How To Manage The Weight Of My Piano

Dealing with smaller items and belongings during relocation is a convenient task. However, if you own a piano, it is significantly challenging to manage primarily due to its weight. Pianos are delicate objects with a plethora of complicated units inside. To top the above factors, the parts of pianos are sensitive to fluctuating weather conditions and cannot withstand extreme temperatures. If you are in a dilemma about managing the piano’s weight and unsure of other conditions, hire a good piano mover in Perth for a hassle-free movement of your vast instrument.

How Heavy Is A Piano?

Pianos are likely to weigh somewhere between 300 to 1200 pounds. Pianos include 12000 components, including pedals, keyboards, wheels, strings, prop sticks, lids, rims etc. Most of the parts are non-removable, and you need to consider the entire weight of the piano during the movement. Here are the typical weights of the different types of a piano

  • An upright piano weighs somewhere between 300 to 500 pounds.
  • A grand piano- can range from 700 to 1200 pounds.
  • Baby grand piano- ranges from 500 to 650 pounds. 

A Pro Tip 

It is a great idea to judge the weight of a piano from its physical appearance. You can also review the manufacturer’s booklet to learn about the brand and other details. Although you will not get an accurate answer to all your queries, you will get the best understanding of the instrument.

How Should I Move My Heavy Piano?

So now, when you have determined that your instrument is cumbersome, you can realise it is best to get professional help from a piano moving service in Perth. You can use these tips to move the piano safely and effectively.

1. Ask For Help

Experts never recommend moving the piano alone. Attempting to move a piano with immense weight and size all alone can cause serious accidents. Call your friends or family to assist you in moving the instrument. You need at least 3 more people to conveniently lift and transport the piano. Since the piano has several sensitive parts and sub-parts, it is advised to call a professional piano mover in Perth to see it transported in the proper technique.

2. Arrange For The Supplies

Essential items like moving blankets, heavy-duty dolly, piano board, packing tape, etc. It helps to move the piano quickly. Get the right supplies to prepare the piano for movement or transportation.

3. Take Measurements

Planning your root is an essential step in the piano moving task. It is best to take the measurements of the staircases, doorways and hallways to make sure that you can pass the instrument easily.

How Should I Move The Piano Through The Stairs?

Piano removalists in Perth are the best to move your pianos through the stairs. They are well-equipped and are experts in tackling the big thing. Skilful piano movers go the extra mile to secure all the movable and unmovable parts of the piano that are likely to get damaged during the movement.

Move Or Relocate Your Piano In The Safest Way

Your excitement for relocation can be easily marred if your beloved piano gets damaged in transit. Pianos are huge and heavy hence demand more physical power to control them. Experts of Forte Heavy Removals use their experience and expertise to protect your priced possession and move it unharmed to your new location.

Planning to hire a reliable Piano Mover in Perth? Call the experts now!